The latest transcription of the gigantic iOS 10.2 download officially announced by Apple. Currently, iOS 10.2 available for public iOS 10.2 download after following 7 consecutive Beta releases. It took two weeks behind the third beta and a month after the first major remark iOS 10.1. As an over the air after its provision or efficient developer…
Category: ios
Looking for Jailbreak iOS 10.3 and iOS 10.3.1 Jailbreak in Near?
It was on Monday, the company fired their third giant stride over the build number 14E277 with adjoining features and enhancements. From the very first beta version started on 26th of January finally recorded its seventh beta on last 16th. However, those who count on the high security and alterations can reach the update via OTA/iTunes…
Skip from iOS 9.3.4 to iOS 9.3.3 jailbreak before get closed
Those who unrecalled Pangu 9.3.3 because of iOS 9.3.4 download are reminding to reverse almost immediately, since Apple yet to close the downgrade gateway from a further couple of days. Reports say that it is confirmed to jailbreak iOS 9.3.4 or not even Luca Todesco demonstrates his attainment just behind couple of hours from the…
iOS 10.0.1 Download with Fixes
Only days after iOS 10 Download rights are given Apple took an immediate update without any developer or public beta. So all iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch users who are compatible with iOS 10 can now head iOS 10.0.1 Download which focuses on bringing fixes to Apple latest software. So here is everything about iOS 10.0.1 download,…
iOS 9 download error
iOS 9 public release note on 16th September 2015 As Apple released iOS 9 few minutes ago, Millions of Apple users around the world are trying to update their devices simultaneously. Lots of iOS 9 download requests are end up with Software update failure error because of Apple servers can’t bare that much requests. You cannot…
Download iOS 8.1.1 beta for developers
Apple released iOS 8.1.1 with bug fixes Few hours ago Apple announced the iOS 8.1.1 Beta for developers with many bug fixes and enhancements. According to the Apple, The new iOS 8.1.1 improves the stability and performances on iPad2 and iPhone 4S where the iOS 8 supported oldest devices at the moment. This is the first minor update to…
iOS 8.2 beta download
Apple just released iOS 8.2 beta for developers. You can download iOS 8.2 beta if you have a Apple developer account. iOS 8.2 IPSW files will be available soon for download who doesn’t have developer accounts. The new iOS 8.2 mainly focused on Apple Watchkit. It seems to be Apple watch requires iOS 8.2 or later. Pangu 1.2.1 download for Jailbreak…
Download iOS 8.1.2
iOS 8.1.2 download is available now. Apple released iOS 8.1.2 without prior notice. It’s not too long since the previous update iOS 8.1.1. The new iOS 8.1.2 supports any iPhone, ipad or iPod running iOS 8 and higher. You can upgrade your device into iOS 8.1.2 via iTunes or you can download iOS8.1.2 IPSW from internet and install on…
Download iOS 8.2 Beta 2 for developers
Apple released iOS 8.2 Beta 2 for developers with many bug fixes, improvements and enhancements. You can download iOS 8.2 Beta 2 via our direct download links or from the Apple developer center. You must have a Developer account to download iOS 8.2 beta 2 from the Apple server. The new beta version supports all devices which capable of…